Replay with Jacada
You can edit and replay scripts that were previously recorded using the Java Record Replay protocol with Jacada.
The Jacada Interface Server provides an interface layer for mainframe applications. This layer separates the user interface from the application logic in order to insulate the organization from changes in standards and technologies.
This protocol is supported for replay only. Support for this protocol will be discontinued in future versions.
Previously recorded scripts might not replay correctly with Java 8 and later.
Edit a Jacada Vuser script
The Actions method of a Java Vuser script using Jacada has two main parts: properties and body. Use the properties section to retrieve and set the server properties. Once your have the server properties you can connect to the Jacada server.
// Set system properties... _properties = new Properties(System.getProperties()); _properties.put("", "true"); System.setProperties(_properties); _jacadavirtualuser = new cst.client.manager.JacadaVirtualUser(); lr.think_time(4); _jacadavirtualuser.connectUsingPorts("localhost", 1100, "LOADTEST", "", "", "");
The body of the script contains the user actions along with the exception handling blocks for the checkFieldValue and checkTableCell methods.
Example: try {
_jacadavirtualuser.checkFieldValue(23, "S44452BA");
} catch(java.lang.Exception e) {
try {
_jacadavirtualuser.checkTableCell(41, 0, 0, "");
} catch(java.lang.Exception e) {
The checkField method has two arguments: field ID number and expected value. The checkTableCell method has four arguments: table ID, row, column, and expected value. If there is a mismatch between the expected value and the received value, an exception is generated.
By default, the try-catch wrapper blocks are commented out. To use them in your script, remove the comment markers.
In addition to the recorded script, you can add any of the Java Vuser API functions. For a list of these functions and information on how to add them to your script, see Java Vuser protocol.
Replay Jacada Scripts
Before replay, you must download the clbase.jar file from the Jacada server.
You can add extra files to the script during replay as follows: In the Solution Explorer pane, right click the Extra Files node and select Add Files to Script. The files are copied to the script's folder.
During replay, the Jacada server may return screens from the legacy system in a different order than they appear in the recorded script. This may cause an exception in the replay. For information on how to handle these exceptions, contact Customer support.
See also: