RDP > Code generation > Basic recording options

Enables you to control the way VuGen creates a script—the level of detail, triggers, and timeouts.

To access
Record > Recording Options > RDP > Code Generation - Basic
Important information
This node is available only for specific protocols. For a complete list of protocols and their associated nodes, see Protocol compatibility table.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Always generate connection name

If selected, the function call will contain the ConnectionName parameter. If not selected, the functions will only contain this parameter if more than a single rdp_connect_server appears in the script.

Default value: disabled.

Automatic generation of synchronization points
Synchronization points allow the script to pause in the replay while waiting for a window or dialog to pop-up, or some other control to fulfil a certain condition. This option automatically generates sync_on_image functions before mouse clicks and drags (enabled by default). The Sync radius is the distance from the mouse operation to the sides of the rectangle which defines the synchronization area. The default is 20 pixels. Select one of the following options:
  • None. No synchronization points are automatically added.

  • Rectangular. Creates synchronization points as rectangular boxes centered around the click or drag location.

  • Enhanced. Creates synchronization points designed to select only a particular location and to react to changes in the UI at that location. For example, a button may be selected and a synchronization point created if the button moves. If a synchronization region is not recognized, the rectangular synchronization settings are used.

Generate mouse movement calls

Generates rdp_mouse_move calls in the script. When enabled, this option significantly increases the script size.

Default value: disabled.

Generate raw keyboard calls

Generates rdp_raw_key_up/down calls as if the script level was set to Raw. Mouse calls are still generated, according to the script level. If disabled, VuGen generates Keyboard calls according to the script level. If the script level is set to Raw, this option is ignored.

Default value: disabled.

Generate raw mouse calls

Generates rdp_mouse_button_up/down calls as if the script level was set to Raw. Keyboard calls are still, generated according to the script level. If disabled, VuGen generates Mouse calls according to the script level. If the script level is set to Raw, this option is ignored.

Default value: disabled.

Script generation level
The level of the script and the type of API functions to use when generating the script.
  • High. Generate high level scripts. Keyboard events are translated to rdp_type calls. Two consecutive mouse clicks with the same coordinates are translated as a double-click.

  • Low. Generate low level scripts. Key up/down events are translated into rdp_key events. Modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Shift) are used as a KeyModifier parameter for other functions. Mouse up/down/ move events are translated to mouse click/drag events.

  • Raw. Generates a script on a raw level, by extracting input events from network buffers and generating calls in their simplest form: key up/down, mouse up/down/move. The KeyModifier parameter is not used.