Asynchronous Options dialog box
This dialog box enables you to fine-tune some of VuGen's behavior when VuGen scans a Vuser script to locate asynchronous communication.
To access | Record > Recording Options > General > Code Generation and then click Async Options. |
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element
Minimum Response Size | Specify the minimum size (in kilobytes) of a server response for defining push asynchronous conversations. If the server sent less than the specified value, VuGen does not classify the conversation as a push-type asynchronous conversation. |
Maximum Sub Message Size | Specify the maximum sub message size (in kilobytes) sent by the server for defining push asynchronous conversations. If the server sent a sub message of size greater than the specified value, VuGen does not classify the conversation as a push-type asynchronous conversation. |
Minimum Number of Sub Messages |
Specify the minimum number of valid sub messages for defining push asynchronous conversations. A push conversation in which less than the specified number of valid sub messages was sent by the server is not classified by VuGen as a push-type asynchronous conversation. |
Interval Tolerance | Specify the interval tolerance (in milliseconds) for classifying poll asynchronous conversations. A conversation in which intervals differ from each other by more than the specified value is not classified by VuGen as a poll-type asynchronous conversation. |
Maximum Interval |
Specify the maximum interval (in milliseconds) between the end of one response and the start of a new request for classifying long poll asynchronous conversations. A conversation in which a request starts more than the specified value after the end of the previous response is not classified by VuGen as a long-poll type asynchronous conversation. |
Asynchronous Regular Expressions Table | |
<Activate Rule> | A check box indicating whether or not the rule is activated. To select all rules, select the check box in the toolbar. |
Rule Type | Push, Poll, and Long Poll are positive asynchronous rules. Not Async is a negative rule. For details on the asynchronous rule types, see Async rules overview. |
Regular Expression | A regular expression for URLs that should be considered part of asynchronous conversations. For a list of the special characters that you can include in a regular expression, see Add Async rules. |