Define the end of an asynchronous conversation

For a list of protocols that support asynchronous communication, see 64-bit recording, Async, and IPv6 support.

After VuGen scans a Vuser script for asynchronous communication, the Async tab of the Design Studio lists the asynchronous conversations that VuGen found in the script. A web_stop_async step is inserted into the Vuser script at the end of each asynchronous conversation that was detected. Use VuGen's Step Navigator to find the associated web_stop_async steps in the Vuser script.

Note: In some cases VuGen does not add a web_stop_async step at the end of an asynchronous conversation. This may occur when:

  • VuGen is not able to determine where the asynchronous conversation ends.

  • the asynchronous conversation was added due to a specific Async rule.
  • the asynchronous conversation was not ended during the recording.

    For details, see Async rules overview.

After VuGen has inserted a web_stop_async step into a Vuser script, make sure the web_stop_async step was added in the correct location in the script, that is – where the asynchronous conversation should end when the Vuser script runs.

In order to make sure the asynchronous conversation ends correctly when the script runs, it may be necessary to modify the details of the web_stop_async step in the Vuser script. For details, see Fine-tune the end of an asynchronous conversation.

Note: All Async conversations are automatically terminated at the end of each iteration even if the Simulate a new user each iteration runtime option is disabled.

For details on how an asynchronous conversation is started, see Define the start of an asynchronous conversation.

Example: web_stop_async

In the code sample below, VuGen added a web_stop_async step at the end of a poll conversation. In this example, the original polling steps are commented out, and the lr_think_time steps that separated them have been merged into one lr_think_time step in order to emulate the duration of the entire poll conversation.

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