Record HTTP/2

HTTP/2 was standardized as a successor to HTTP 1.1 in May 2015. This version does not replace HTTP. Instead, it improves the way HTTP requests and responses are sent.

HTTP/2 allows multiplexing and concurrency, letting a client send multiple requests successively on the same TCP connection. This eliminates the need for multiple connections between the client and server.

In HTTP/2, the header size is substantially smaller. In addition, the server can push information to the client, even before it was requested.

All of these changes contribute to HTTP/2 being faster and more efficient than its predecessor.

Tip: To determine if the website you are testing supports HTTP/2, perform an Internet search for an HTTP/2 detection tool. Most common browsers support HTTP/2 over TLS.

To record a Web - HTTP/HTML script that uses HTTP/2:

  1. Create a Web (HTTP/HTML ) Vuser script. For details see, Create and open Vuser scripts.
  2. Select Record > Recording Options > Network > Maps and Filtering > Options to open the Advanced Port Mapping Settings dialog box.
  3. In the SSL Version dropdown, select TLS ALPN. Click Update.
  4. Start recording and perform typical business processes on your application.
  5. To confirm that recording was done with HTTP/2, examine the headers that were recorded in the script.

    To verify that HTTP/2 was used for replay, enable Advanced Trace in the Log runtime settings. After replay, see the Replay log and note the references to HTTP/2.

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