Array Types and Functions
VuGen COM supports the functions for safe arrays:
Create an array of n dimensions of the type specified in Type-Name. | |
Destroy an array of the type indicated in Type-Name. | |
Fills the last dimension of a byte array with a buffer beginning at the specified n-1 indices. | |
Retrieves an element of the specified type from a SafeArray. | |
Extracts an array of Type-Name from a variant. | |
Extracts an array of Type-Name from a pointer reference in a variant. | |
Stores an element in an array of the appropriate type. |
In the above functions, <Type-Name> can be one of the following data types:
Bstr | BSTR |
Byte | a byte (unsigned char) |
Char | a character array |
CoObject | an IUnknown interface |
Currency | Currency (CY) |
Date | a Date variable |
DispObject | an IDispatch interface |
Double | double |
Dword | double word |
Error | an scode error |
Float | floating point number |
Int | integer |
Long | long integer |
Short | short integer |
UInt | unsigned integer |
ULong | unsigned long integer |
UShort | unsigned short integer |
Variant | a variant type |