
Example: lrc_save_uhyperParameterization ("save") Functions

Saves an unsigned hyper integer value to a string parameter.

int lrc_save_uhyper( const char* param_name, uhyper val );
int lrc_save_uhyper_by_ref( const char* param_name, uhyper *val );
param_name The name of the string parameter in which to store the value.
val The value to be saved.

The lrc_save_uhyper function saves an unsigned 64 byte hyper integer to a string parameter.

int lrc_save_uhyper_by_ref( const char* param_name, uhyper *val );

The lrc_save_uhyper_by_reffunction saves the unsigned 64 byte hyper integer pointed to by "val" to a string parameter.

VuGen generates these functions as commented-out calls. To use the parameter, change the recorded param_name argument to a meaningful name and uncomment the call.

Return Values

lrc Return Values


You cannot use standard parameterization for any arguments in this function.