Returns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage whose visibility timeout was modified.

public String id()

Return values

This function returns a String that represents the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that had its visibility timeout value modified successfully.


Copy code
public int action() throws Throwable {
        LrSqsClient.initClient(region, standardQueueUrl)
        List <LrSqsMessage> receivedMessages = LrSqsClient.receiveMessages(3, 20);
        int visibilityTimeout = 10;
        for (LrSqsMessage m : receivedMessages) {
            LrSqsClient.addReceiptHandleToChangeVisibilityBatch(m.receiptHandle(), visibilityTimeout);
            visibilityTimeout += 2;
        LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus status = LrSqsClient.changeMessageVisibilityBatch();    
        if (status.hasSuccessful()) {
            Collection<LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry> succ_res = status.successful();
            for (LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry entry : succ_res){
                lr.output_message("Message id within batch: " +;
        if (status.hasFailed()){
            lr.output_message("Failed to delete: " + status.failed().size());
        return 0;