
Example: lrd_row_countRetrieval Handling Functions

Returns the number of the rows affected by an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statement.

LRDRET lrd_row_count( LRD_CURSOR * mptCursor, long * mpliRowCount, int miDBErrorSeverity );

mptCursor A pointer to an LRD_CURSOR structure.
mpliRowCount A pointer to the number of affected rows.        
miDBErrorSeverity The Error Severity Levels of a failure in a database routine.

The lrd_row_count function returns the number of the rows affected by an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statement. It is only supported for ODBC Vusers.

Note: When working in ODBC, you must issue this statement immediately after the UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT operation. Otherwise , the result may be inaccurate.

For more details refer to the Function Header File lrd.h in the include directory.

Return Values

See LRD Return Values.


You cannot use standard parameterization for any arguments in this function.