Alphabetical List of Kafka Functions
Kafka protocol includes the following functions:
LrKafkaConsumer.assign | Calls the assign method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.assignment | Calls the assignment method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.beginningOffsets | Calls the beginningOffsets method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.closeConsumer | Calls the close method on KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser and uninitializes it. |
LrKafkaConsumer.commitAsync | Calls the commitAsync method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.commitSync | Calls the commitSync method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.committed | Calls the committed method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.endOffsets | Calls the endOffsets method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.enforceRebalance | Calls the enforceRebalance method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.groupMetadata | Calls the groupMetadata method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.<K, V>initConsumer | Initializes a KafkaConsumer instance for the current Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.listTopics | Calls the listTopics method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.metrics | Calls the metrics method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.offsetsForTimes | Calls the offsetsForTimes method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.partitionsFor | Calls the partitionsFor method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.pause | Calls the pause method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.paused | Calls the paused method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.poll | Calls the poll method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.pollFor | Polls topics for a set number of seconds and returns resulting ConsumerRecords. |
LrKafkaConsumer.pollMinNoOfRecords | Polls until a minimum number of messages is received from the server, or maxNotFoundMessages polls return nothing. |
LrKafkaConsumer.position | Calls the position method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.reconfigureConsumer | Reconfigures the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.resume | Calls the resume method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. | | Calls the seek method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning | Calls the seekToBeginning method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.seekToEnd | Calls the seekToEnd method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.subscribe | Calls the subscribe method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.subscription | Calls the subscription method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.unsubscribe | Calls the unsubscribe method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaConsumer.wakeup | Calls the wakeup method on the KafkaConsumer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.abortTransaction | Calls the abortTransaction method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.beginTransaction | Calls the beginTransaction method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.closeProducer | Calls the close method on KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser and uninitializes it. |
LrKafkaProducer.commitTransaction | Calls the commitTransaction method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.flush | Calls the flush method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.<K, V>initProducer | Initializes a KafkaProducer instance for the current Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.initTransactions | Calls the initTransactions method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.metrics | Calls the metrics method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.partitionsFor | Calls the partitionsFor method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.reconfigureProducer | Reconfigures the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.send | Calls the send method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |
LrKafkaProducer.sendOffsetsToTransaction | Calls the sendOffsetsToTransaction method on the KafkaProducer initialized for the Vuser. |