Example: web_service_set_security_saml_ex and web_service_cancel_security_saml_ex | Web Services Functions (SOAP, WEB_SERVICE, Silverlight) |
Adds security tokens to subsequent soap and web service calls using SAML. The web_service_set_security_saml_ex function works with the WCF/.NET toolkit.
int web_service_set_security_saml( [const char * IssuerURL,] [const char * Username, const char * Password,] [const char * TokenType,] [const char * KeyType,] [const char * AudienceUris,] LAST );
IssuerUrl | The STS end point URL. |
Username | The user name to send to the STS. |
Password | The STS password. |
TokenType | The SAML version to use for the security token. Possible values are SAML1.1 and SAML2.0. |
KeyType | The SAML key type to use. Possible values are Asymmetric, Bearer, and Symmetric. |
AudienceUris | The audience URIs which are agreed upon by client and STS. Separate URIs using commas. |
LAST | A marker that indicates the end of the arguments list. |
The web_service_set_security_saml_ex function gets a token to be attached at each subsequent soap_request and web_service_call invocation using the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). The tokens remain in effect until the next web_service_set_security_saml_ex or web_service_cancel_security_saml_ex call.
The IssuerUrl argument is required. All other arguments are optional.
At each web_service_call, security tokens are processed before attachments.
Note: The web_service_set_security_saml_ex function can be used only when the toolkit assigned to the Web Services script is WCF/.NET Framework. We recommend that you use this function (rather than web_service_cancel_security_saml), even when using SAML 1.1 security tokens.
Return Values
This function returns LR_PASS (0) on success, and LR_FAIL (1) on failure. Note that in many cases, this return value indicates the technical success of the function, and not the result. For example, a function that registers a string to be found in a subsequent step returns LR_PASS to indicate that the registration was successful. This does not indicate that the string was found in the server response.
All attribute values of web_service_set_security_saml_ex can be parameterized except as noted in the descriptions of the attributes.