
Deprecated. Releases an array of strings buffer.

C Language

void vtc_free_list ( char *msglist );
Global Functions


msglistThe name of the variable previously passed to a function that allocated memory for a string buffer return value.

vtc_free_list deallocates a buffer allocated by functions that return arrays of strings. These functions have arguments of type char **. For example, char **outcolumns and char **outvalues.

Pass vtc_free_list the variable name of the output argument. For example, after calling

    vtc_retrieve_row ( mypvci, &myOutColumns, &myOutValues );


    vtc_free_list( myOutColumns ); and vtc_free_list( myOutValues );.

To free a single string value buffer (not an array), use vtc_free

Return Values

No value returned.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.

C Language Example

vtc_free_list( myArrayOfStrings );