Example: lr.wasted_time and lr.get_transaction_wasted_time

The following segment demonstrates the use of timers to generate and retrieve wasted time.

int i, baseIter = 1000;
long wasteTime, actualElapsedTime; 
//merc_timer_handle_t MasterT, timer;
long mainTimer, timer;
// Examine the total elapsed time of the action
mainTimer = lr.start_timer();
//Start transaction
// Create some elapsed time for the transaction  
for (i=0; i< (10 * baseIter); ++i)
	   lr.output_message("This is the way we create elapsed time artificially = " + i);
// Add some think time
// Create some wasted time and record it with timer
timer = lr.start_timer();
for (i=0; i< (5 * baseIter); ++i)
	    lr.output_message("This is the way we waste time in a script = " + i);
wasteTime = lr.end_timer(timer);
lr.output_message("User created waste time = " + wasteTime);
lr.output_message("Before lr.wasted_time: Duration = " +        
	   lr.get_transaction_duration("Demo") + "- Waste = " +
// Convert timer in seconds to wasted time in milliseconds and add to internally generated waste time */
wasteTime *= 1000;
lr.output_message("After lr.wasted_time: Duration = " +
	        lr.get_transaction_duration("Demo") + "- Waste = " +
lr.output_message("Think time = " + lr.get_transaction_think_time("Demo"));
lr.end_transaction("Demo", lr.AUTO);
actualElapsedTime = lr.end_timer(mainTimer);
lr.output_message("Total Elapsed time for Action = " + actualElapsedTime);