
Example: mldap_get_attrib_value_exListing Directory Vuser Functions (MLDAP)

Gets the value of the specified attribute for a specific session.

char *mldap_get_attrib_value_ex( MLDAP *pldap, char *transaction, char *name, char *index, [char *offset,] [char *param,] LAST );
pldap A session identifier
transactionA transaction name for this step. To instruct VuGen not to create a transaction for this step, use a NULL string, "".
name The name of the attribute. Specify either name or index, not both.Use the format: Name=attribute_name
index The index of the attribute. Specify either name or index, not both. Use the format: Index=attribute_number
offset The zero-based offset of the attribute value. For the first value of an attribute (default), specify a 0. Use the format: offset=offset
param The name of a parameter storing the value. Use the following format: "Param=name"
LAST A marker indicating the end of the argument list.

The mldap_get_attrib_value_ex function retrieves the value of the specified attribute, for the specified session. You can specify either the index of the attribute or the name of the attribute. By default, if nothing is specified, the function returns the value of the first attribute. The optional offset argument, lets you get an attribute value other than the first. For example, if an attribute has multiple values, an offset of 0 would return the first value, an offset of 1 would return the second, etc.

This function is for use with multiple sessions. For global or single sessions, use the mldap_get_attrib_value function, which leaves out the session identifier.

This function is not recorded. Add it if needed when enhancing your script.

Return Values

This function returns the attribute value, or NULL if no entries are available or if there is an error.


The following argument(s) can be parameterized with standard parameterization: name, index, offset, paramtext