Example: sapgui_select_radio_button
The following example uses sapgui_select_radio_button to select a radio button, then select a different button in the same group.
/* Selects the "Blue" radio button from a group of colors */
sapgui_set_focus("usr/radRB7",LAST ); sapgui_select_radio_button("Blue", "usr/radRB7", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1027", END_OPTIONAL);
// Confirm the button state. Output is "Button is set"
if (sapgui_is_radio_button_selected("Confirm State of Blue button", "usr/radRB7", LAST) ) lr_output_message("Button is set"); else lr_output_message("Button is not set");
// Change from Blue to Yellow
sapgui_set_focus("usr/radRB4",LAST );
sapgui_select_radio_button("Yellow", "usr/radRB4", LAST );
// Confirm the Blue button state. Output is "Button is not set"
if (sapgui_is_radio_button_selected("Confirm State of Blue button", "usr/radRB7", // Id of Blue button LAST) ) lr_output_message("Button is set"); else lr_output_message("Button is not set");
// Confirm the Yellow button state. Output is "Button is set"
if (sapgui_is_radio_button_selected("Confirm State of Yellow button", "usr/radRB4", // ID of Yellow Button LAST))
lr_output_message("Button is set");
lr_output_message("Button is not set");