Mail Options

Mail options can be any header supported by the server.

The mail data includes memo header items. These can be changed or added with entries in the MailOptions section. For example:

Data Header Example Comment
From "From:" If not entered, the header is generated based on the information from the smtp_logon
Boundary "Boundary: ––abcdf––" The boundary string between data sections. If not entered, a string is generated automatically.

Examples of other header options:

Header name Purpose
Abuse–Reports–To Mailbox for reporting abuse
Apparently–To Envelope recipients inserted my MTA
Approved–By Mailing list moderator who has approved message
Content–Alias Alternative to Content–Location URI
Content–Class Hierarchical content classification
Content–Conversion Variant of 'Conversion:'
Content–Length Size in bytes of body part
Content–SGML–Entity SGML entity information
Delivered–To Message loop detection
Envelope–To Mail envelope recipient
Errors–To Address for notifications to be sent
Fax Fax number of the originator
Fcc File for copy of message
For–Approval Recipients for approval of this message
For–Comment Recipients for comment on this message
For–Handling Primary recipients for handling this message
List–Digest URL for mailing list digest subscription
List–Software Mailing list software information
List–URL URL for mailing list information
Mailer Information about originating client software
Mailing–List Mailing list information
Mail–System–Version Information about originating client software
Message–Context Type or context of message
Originating–Client Information about originating client software
Originator–Info Originator authentication information
Phone Phone number of the originator.
Posted–To Newsgroup to which message was sent
Precedence Message precedence indicator
Read–Receipt–To Address for notifications to be sent
Register–Mail–Reply–Requested–By Address for notifications to be sent
Return–Receipt–Requested Address for notifications to be sent
Return–Receipt–To Address for notifications to be sent
Speech–Act Speech act categorization of message
Status Message status in delivery system
Telefax Fax number of the originator
Translated–By Mailbox of translator
Translation–Of Reference source of translation
User–Agent Information about originating client software
X–Admin Submission server administrator mailbox
X–Complaints–To Mailbox for reporting abuse
X–Confirm–reading–to Address for notifications to be sent
X–Envelope–From Mail envelope sender
X–Envelope–To Mail envelope recipient
X–Face Picture of the sender
X–List–Host List server software information
X–Listserver List server software information
X–Loop Message loop detection
X–Mailer Information about originating client software
X–Mailing–List Mailing list information
X–MIME–Autoconverted In–transit message conversion information
X–MimeOLE Information about originating client software
X–MSMail–Priority Yet another priority indication.
X–Newsreader Information about originating client software
X–No–Archive Do not archive publicly
X–OriginalArrivalTime Time message was submitted
X–Priority Message priority
X–RCPT–TO Mail envelope recipient
X–Report–Abuse–To Mailbox for reporting abuse
X–Sender Tentative message sender
X–UIDL Message identifier within mailstore
X–URI URI of body part content
X–URL Location of body part content
X–X–Sender Extra–tentative message sender