Example: web.submit_data
In this example, web.submit_data submits a title/author search using the POST method.
try { web.link("Book Search", "Text=Book Search", new String[]{web.LAST}); /* Note: The "ITEMDATA" delimiter used in the C language syntax is not used in the Java syntax. It is implicit in the data[] array. */ web.submit_data("Finder.asp", "Action=http://abc/library/Finder.asp", new String[]{ //options[] "Method=POST", "RecContentType=text/html", "Referer=http://abc/library/finder.asp", "Mode=HTML" }, new String[]{ //data[] "Name=BookTitle", "Value=Mansfield Park", web.ENDITEM, "Name=AuthorBook", "Value=Austen, Jane", web.ENDITEM, web.LAST }); } catch (Exception e) {}