Example: web_dump_cache and web_load_cache
In this example the Vuser logs on to a system and views her paycheck. The script is run once by the test developer with the web_load_cache call commented out, and the web_dump_cache call and the web_add_cookie calls uncommented. This creates the files to be used in the actual testing.
After the files are created, the web_load_cache call is uncommented, and the web_dump_cache call and the web_add_cookie calls are commented. On subsequent runs, the cache files are loaded before running the business process.
Action() { /* Initially used to create the Vuser environment: web_add_cookie("SignOnDefault=; domain=pbntas05; path=/"); web_add_cookie("http%3a%2f%2fpbntas05%3a8250%2fpsp%2fps%2femployee%2fhrms%2frefresh=list:|; domain=pbntas05; path=/"); web_add_cookie("storedCookieCheck=true; domain=pbntas05; path=/"); End setup functions. */ // Get the previously created cache web_load_cache("ActionLoad", "FileName=c:\\temp\\{VuserName}paycheck", LAST ); /* From here down is the business process for which we want to use a persistent cache */ web_browser("signon.html", DESCRIPTION, ACTION, "Navigate=http://myserver:8200/ps/signon.html", LAST ); web_edit_field("userid", "Snapshot=t1.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Type=text", "Name=userid", ACTION, "SetValue={VuserName}", LAST ); web_edit_field("pwd", "Snapshot=t2.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Type=password", "Name=pwd", ACTION, "SetValue=HCRUSA_KU0007", LAST ); lr_start_transaction("login"); web_button("Sign In", "Snapshot=t3.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Type=submit", "Tag=INPUT", "Value=Sign In", LAST ); lr_end_transaction("login", LR_AUTO); web_image_link("CO_EMPLOYEE_SELF_SERVICE", "Snapshot=t4.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Alt=", "Name=CO_EMPLOYEE_SELF_SERVICE", "Ordinal=1", LAST ); web_text_link("Payroll and Compensation", "Snapshot=t5.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Text=Payroll and Compensation", "Ordinal=1", LAST ); web_text_link("View Paycheck", "Snapshot=t6.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Text=View Paycheck", "Ordinal=1", LAST ); web_text_link("Sign out", "Snapshot=t7.inf", DESCRIPTION, "Text=Sign out", "FrameName=UniversalHeader", LAST ); web_browser("browser", "Snapshot=t8.inf", DESCRIPTION, ACTION, "Sync", LAST ); /* This command was used once to create the cache files, then commented out for the actually load testing */ /* web_dump_cache("paycheckcache", "FileName=c:\\temp\\{VuserName}paycheck", "Replace=yes", LAST ); */ return 0; }