
Enables Keep–Alive HTTP connections.

C Language

int web_enable_keep_alive( );

Java Language

int object.enable_keep_alive( );  
An expression evaluating to an object of type WebApi. Usually web for Java. See also Function and Constant Prefixes.

Return Values

This function returns LR_PASS (0) on success, and LR_FAIL (1) on failure.


Parameterization is not applicable to this function.

General Information

The web_enable_keep_alive function is a service function that enables the Keep–Alive HTTP connections.

The web_enable_keep_alive function is effective only when the browser and server both support Keep–Alive connections. By default, the KeepAlive setting is enabled.

Keep–Alive connections, also known as persistent connections, allow clients to re–use established TCP connections to a HTTP server to download several elements on a page, or even to download several different URLs. When you enable Keep–Alive connections, the same TCP connection retrieves all of the elements on a page, decreasing the load on the HTTP server.

This function is supported for all web scripts.