
Specifies a data point and adds it to the test results.

int web_report_data_point( const char *EventType, const char *EventName , const char *DataPointName , LAST );

Argument Description
List of Attributes
The following attributes are available:
EventType: Specifies the type of event to report. Currently, the only supported event is "Error". Use the format "EventType=string".
EventName: Specifies the name of the event to report. Currently, the only supported event is "StepTimeOut". Use the format "EventName=string".
DataPointName: A user-defined string specifying the data point name. Use the format "DataPointName=string".
A marker that indicates the end of the attribute list.

Return Values

This function returns LR_PASS (0) on success, and LR_FAIL (1) on failure.


All arguments can be parameterized using standard parameterization.

General Information

The web_report_data_point function defines a data point within the script to be included in the test results. The most common datapoint is a step timeout, indicating if the previous step timed out.

Data points created with web_report_data_point appear in the Online graphs in the Controller.