Windows Sockets Return Values
If a Windows Sockets function succeeds, it returns 0. If a VuGen error occurs, an LRS return code is issued. If an error occurs with a socket, it returns one of the Windows Sockets error codes.
To retrieve the error code, evaluate the return value of the function. For example:
rc = lrs_close_socket("socket5");
if (rc==0)
lr_output_message("Socket 5 was successfully closed ");
lr_output_message("An error occurred while closing the socket, Error Code: %d", rc);
VuGen returns the following error and warning codes during replay of Windows Sockets script:
LRS code | Code | Meaning |
Error | ||
LRS_GENERIC_ERROR | 9001 | General system function fault. |
LRS_SOCKET_DOESNT_EXIST | 9002 | An invalid socket descriptor was transferred to the function. |
LRS_PARAM_FAILED | 9003 | Parameterization failed. |
LRS_CREATE_SOCK_FAILED | 9004 | Creation of a new socket failed. |
LRS_INVALID_FUNC_PARAM | 9005 | An invalid parameter was transferred to the function. |
LRS_READ_DATA_FILE_ERR | 9006 | Unable to read from the data file ( |
LRS_DATA_BUFFER_ERR | 9007 | Error reading data buffer (either from data file or last received buffer). |
LRS_UNKNOWN_HOST | 9008 | Specified host is unknown. |
LRS_UNKNOWN_FUNC_PARAM | 9009 | The specified parameter is unknown. |
LRS_DELETE_SOCK_FAILED | 9010 | An attempt to delete the socket, failed. |
LRS_BUFFER_DOESN'T_EXIST | 9011 | The specified buffer does not exist. |
LRS_BUF_ALLOC_ERR | 9012 | Buffer allocation error occurred. |
LRS_TRANSLATION_ERR | 9013 | Error in buffer translation. |
LRS_BUFFER_TYPE_ERR | 9014 | Wrong buffer type specified. |
LRS_SAVE_PARAM_ERR | 9015 | Error in saving parameter to a variable. |
LRS_HOST_FIND_ERR | 9016 | Error in locating specified host. |
LRS_EXIT_BY_TIMEOUT | 9017 | Exit test after failing to complete operation due to timeout. |
LRS_SELECT_ERR | 9018 | A SELECT related error occurred. |
Warning | ||
LRS_RECV_MISMATCH | 9101 | A mismatch occurred between the expected and received buffers. |
LRS_STRING_NOT_FOUND | 9102 | The specified string was not found. |
The standard Windows Sockets error codes are:
Windows Sockets code | Error | Meaning |
WSAEINTR | 10004 | Interrupted system call |
WSAEBADF | 10009 | Bad file number |
WSEACCES | 10013 | Access denied |
WSAEFAULT | 10014 | Bad address |
WSAEINVAL | 10022 | Invalid argument |
WSAEMFILE | 10024 | Too many open files |
WSAEWOULDBLOCK | 10035 | Operation would block |
WSAEINPROGRESS | 10036 | Operation now in progress |
WSAEALREADY | 10037 | Operation already in progress |
WSAENOTSOCK | 10038 | Socket operation on non-socket |
WSAEDESTADDRREQ | 10039 | Destination address required |
WSAEMSGSIZE | 10040 | Message too long |
WSAEPROTOTYPE | 10041 | Protocol is wrong type for socket |
WSAENOPROTOOPT | 10042 | Bad protocol option |
WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT | 10043 | Protocol not supported |
WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT | 10044 | Socket type not supported |
WSAEOPNOTSUPP | 10045 | Operation not supported on socket |
WSAEPFNOSUPPORT | 10046 | Protocol family not supported |
WSAEAFNOSUPPORT | 10047 | Address family unsupported by protocol |
WSAEADDRINUSE | 10048 | Address already in use |
WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL | 10049 | Cannot assign requested address |
WSAENETDOWN | 10050 | Network is down |
WSAENETUNREACH | 10051 | Host is unreachable |
WSAENETRESET | 10052 | Network was reset |
WSAECONNABORTED | 10053 | Software caused connection abort |
WSAECONNRESET | 10054 | Connection reset by peer |
WSAENOBUFS | 10055 | No buffer space is supported |
WSAEISCONN | 10056 | Socket is already connected |
WSAENOTCONN | 10057 | Socket is not connected |
WSAESHUTDOWN | 10058 | Can't send after socket shutdown |
WSAETOOMANYREFS | 10059 | Too many references |
WSAETIMEDOUT | 10060 | Connection timed out |
WSAECONNREFUSED | 10061 | Connection refused |
WSAELOOP | 10062 | Too many levels of symbolic links |
WSAENAMETOOLONG | 10063 | Name too long |
WSAEHOSTDOWN | 10064 | Host is down |
WSAEHOSTUNREACH | 10065 | Host in unreachable |
WSAENOTEMPTY | 10066 | Socket not empty. |
WSAEPROCLIM | 10067 | Too many processes. |
WSAEUSERS | 10068 | Too many users |
WSAEDQUOT | 10069 | DQ out error. |
WSAESTALE | 10070 | Data is stale |
WSAEREMOTE | 10071 | Host in remote |
WSASYSNOTREADY | 10091 | System is not ready |
WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED | 10092 | Version is not supported |
WSANOTINITIALISED | 10093 | Not initialized |
WSADISCON | 10094 | Graceful shutdown in progress. |
WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND | 11001 | Host not found |
WSATRY_AGAIN | 11002 | Try again |
WSANO_RECOVERY | 11003 | Non-recoverable error |
WSANO_DATA | 11004 | No data record available |