Cloud for AWS SQS functions

The AWS protocol for the Simple Queue Service (SQS) includes the following functions:

LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.codeReturns the error code received from SQS queue.
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.idReturns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that was not successfully sent, deleted, or updated.
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.messageReturns the error message received from SQS queue.
LrSqsBatchErrorStatusEntry.senderFaultSpecifies whether the sender is at fault for an error that occurred when a batch API action was called.
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.failedReturns one LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry element for each LrSqsMessage that did not update its visibility timeout successfully.
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.hasFailedReturns whether any LrSqsMessage did not update its visibility timeout successfully.
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.hasSuccessfulReturns whether any LrSqsMessage updated its visibility timeout successfully.
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchRequestStatus.successfulReturns one LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry element for each LrSqsMessage that changed its visibility timeout successfully.
LrSqsChangeVisibilityBatchStatusEntry.idReturns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage whose visibility timeout was modified.
LrSqsClient.addMessageToBatchAdds a message to a container that stores messages to be sent.
LrSqsClient.addMessageToBatchExAdds a message with multiple attributes to a container that stores messages to be sent.
LrSqsClient.addMessageToChangeVisibilityBatchAdds a message to the current batch, to be used for the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch request.
LrSqsClient.addPermissionAdds an SQS permission to the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsClient.addReceiptHandleToChangeVisibilityBatchAdds a receipt handle to the current batch, to be used for the ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch request.
LrSqsClient.changeMessageVisibilityChanges a message's visibility timeout.
LrSqsClient.changeMessageVisibilityBatchSends the request of visibility change for all messages in the designated container.
LrSqsClient.closeClientCloses the LrSqsClient for the current Vuser.
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueBinaryCreates a binary attribute value that can be assigned to a message.
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueDoubleCreates a double attribute value that can be assigned to a message.
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueIntCreates an integer attribute value that can be assigned to a message.
LrSqsClient.createMessageAttributeValueStringCreates a string attribute value that can be assigned to a message.
LrSqsClient.deleteMessageDeletes a message from the queue.
LrSqsClient.deleteMessageBatchDeletes a message batch from the queue.
LrSqsClient.getQueueAttributesRetrieves the specified attributes for the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsClient.getQueueUrlRetrieves the queue URL for the specified queue.
LrSqsClient.initChangeMessageVisibilityBatchInitializes the container for a ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch request.
LrSqsClient.initClientInitializes the LrSqsClient for the current Vuser.
LrSqsClient.initMessageBatchInitializes the container used to store messages to be sent.
LrSqsClient.listDeadLetterSourceQueuesLists the queues that have the LrSqsClient's current queue set as their dead-letter queue.
LrSqsClient.listQueuesLists the queues available in the current LrSqsClient's region.
LrSqsClient.listQueueTagsRetrieves all tags for the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsClient.purgeQueueDeletes all messages from the queue.
LrSqsClient.receiveMessageReceives messages from the queue.
LrSqsClient.receiveMessagesExReceives messages from the queue according to the arguments provided.
LrSqsClient.removePermissionRemoves an SQS permission from the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsClient.resetQueueUrlReplaces the current queue URL with a new URL.
LrSqsClient.sendMessageSends a message to the queue.
LrSqsClient.sendMessageBatchSends the batch of messages currently stored in the message container.
LrSqsClient.sendMessageExSends a message with multiple attributes to the queue.
LrSqsClient.setQueueAttributesSets the specified attributes for the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsClient.tagQueueAdds tags to the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsClient.untagQueueRemoves tags from the LrSqsClient's current queue.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.failedReturns one LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were not deleted successfully.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasFailedReturns whether any LrSqsMessages could not be deleted from the SQS queue.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasSuccessfulReturns whether any LrSqsMessages were deleted successfully.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchRequestStatus.successfulReturns one LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were deleted successfully.
LrSqsDeleteMessageBatchStatusEntry.idReturns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that was deleted.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.binaryValueReturns the value of the attribute as a binary.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.binaryValueCopyReturns a copy of the attribute's value as a binary.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.dataTypeReturns the data type of the attribute as a string.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.doubleValueReturns the value of the attribute as a double.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.intValueReturns the value of the attribute as an integer.
LrSqsMessageAttributeValue.stringValueReturns the value of the attribute as a string.
LrSqsMessage.attributesReturns all user-defined attributes of the message.
LrSqsMessage.bodyRetrieves the message body.
LrSqsMessage.hasAttributesReturns a Boolean value that shows whether the message has user-defined attributes.
LrSqsMessage.hasSystemAttributesReturns a Boolean value that shows whether the message has system attributes.
LrSqsMessage.md5ofAttributesReturns an MD5 encoding of the message attribute string.
LrSqsMessage.md5OfBodyReturns an MD5 encoding of the message.
LrSqsMessage.messageIdRetrieves the message ID.
LrSqsMessage.receiptHandleRetrieves the receipt handle.
LrSqsMessage.systemAttributesReturns all system attributes of the message.
LrSqsMessage.systemAttributesAsStringsReturns the system attributes of the message as Strings.
LrSqsMessage.toStringReturns the LrSqsMessage as a String.
LrSqsQueueAttributes.attributesReturns all of the attributes in the collection.
LrSqsQueueAttributes.attributesAsStringsReturns all of the attributes in the collection as string values.
LrSqsQueuesList.nextTokenReturns the next token for the queue list.
LrSqsQueuesList.queueUrlsReturns the URLs of the queues.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.failedReturns one LrSqsBatchErrorResultEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were not sent successfully.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasFailedReturns whether any LrSqsMessages could not be sent to the SQS queue.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.hasSuccessfulReturns whether any LrSqsMessages were sent successfully.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchRequestStatus.successfulReturns one LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry element for each of the LrSqsMessages that were sent successfully.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry.idReturns the ID within the batch of the LrSqsMessage that was sent.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry.messageIdReturns the ID of the LrSqsMessage that was sent using the sendMessageBatch method.
LrSqsSendMessageBatchStatusEntry.sequenceNumberReturns the sequence number of the LrSqsMessage.
LrSqsSendMessageResult.messageIdReturns the message ID.
LrSqsSendMessageResult.sequenceNumberReturns the sequence number of the message.