
Code Warning Description / Cause
1000 No more data No more data is available.
1001 Output string truncated The output string was truncated in lrd_to_printable, setting the last three characters to '...'.
1002 Invalid data type or unprintable data The specified data type is invalid or not printable (e.g., DT_VARRAW).
1003 Invalid data for data type For non-character data types, the data is invalid for the specified data type (e.g., 0x12BB for DT_DECIMAL)For character data types, the data contains unpredictable characters. This includes '\0' for types that are not null terminated such as DT_SF, DT_VARCHAR, DT_LONG_CHAR, DT_SF_STRIPPED_SPACES, DT_LONG_VARCHAR, DT_DISPLAY).
1004 Next set available The previous result set has ended and the next result set is available for lrd_fetch. No row is currently available.
1005 NULL data The host variable contains NULL data.
1007 Invalid host variable length An invalid length was specified for the host variable. This only applies to variable length data types where the length of the host variable and its prefix exceeds MAX SIZE.
1008 Data truncated In lrd_to_printable, the indicator variable associated with the host variable indicates that the data was truncated. The host variable was too short to contain the fetched data.
1009 Operation failed A call to a database routine failed, but the severity level|*LR_lrd_severity_levels>proc1 was set to WARNING OR the mliOpt1 and mliOpt2 combination in lrd_result_set, indicates an error in the original application.
1010 Data in error In lrd_to_printable, the return code variable associated with the host variable indicates an error in the data.
1011 Missing terminator A required null-terminator is missing.
1012 Value was rounded off The data's value was rounded off. For example: 1. When an underflow occurred for a numeric value, zero is assigned. 2. Nanoseconds were specified for the DT_DATETIME variable, for a database that does not support fractions of a second; the fraction is ignored.
1013 Recoverable row error A recoverable row error occurred when the current row was fetched. For example, a conversion error occurred when storing bound variables. In CtLib, the current ct_fetch generated a CS_ROW_FAIL return code.
1015 No fetchable data There is no more fetchable data from the current result set.
1016 No result sets There are no more result sets.
1017 Parameter saved as null A parameter was saved with a null value. References to this parameter may fail.
1018 Parameter saved with invalid value A parameter was saved with an invalid value. References to this parameter may fail.
1019 Parameter not be saved The specified parameter could not be saved; lr_param_save_bytes failed.
1020 Failed attempt to close structure An attempt was made to close a context, connection, or cursor that is not open.
1021 Failed attempt to open structure An attempt was made to open a context, connection, or cursor that is already open.
1022 No fetchable result set is available There is no active fetchable result set, but the script continued because LRD_ON_FETCHABLE_SET_ERR_CONT was issued.
1023 "Success with Info" return code The database operation returned a "success with info" return code.
1024 "Need data" return code The database operation returned a "need data" return code.
1025 "Invalid handle" return code The database operation returned an "Invalid handle" return code.
1026 "Still executing" return code The database operation returned a "still executing" return code.
1027 "Continue" return code The database operation returned a "continue" return code.
1028 LRDBI handle mismatch There was a mismatch in an LRDDBI handle, e.g., a different parent handle
1029 Handle not allocated A handle was not properly allocated.