Example: void

Example 1

The following example illustrates a function, send_message, that returns void. Note that unlike the Actions function, send_message does not return a value, and does not contain an expression in its return statement.

    char * example_message = "Call to database succeeded";
    send_message(example_message, 0);
    void send_message (char * msg, int msg_level) {
// Notification message level 
    if (msg_level == 0) 
        lr_output_message (msg);
// Error message level 
    else if (msg_level == 1) 
        lr_error_message (msg);
// Send_message function does not return a value 
Example: Output:
Action.c(13): Call to database succeeded

Example 2

The following example illustrates two functions, Actions and generate_random_number, which have no formal parameters. generate_random_number returns a number between 0 and 10.

The keyword void is placed between the function's parentheses to indicate they have no formal parameters.

// No parameters sent to this function 
    int x = generate_random_number(); 
    lr_output_message ("A number between 0 and 10: %d", x);
    // This function generates a random number between 0 and 10 
    int generate_random_number(void) {
	srand(time(NULL)); // Seed the generator 
       return (rand() % 10);
Example: Output:
Action.c(4): A number between 0 and 10: 2