
Initiates a transaction that is closed in one or more vusers other than the initiating vuser.

C Language

int lr_start_cross_vuser_transaction( char *transaction_name, char *trans_id_param);
Example: lr_start_cross_vuser_transactionTransaction Functions


transaction_name The name of the cross-Vuser transaction.
trans_id_param The parameter that contains the string ID of the transaction. The string can be any value. The exact same value is used by lr_end_cross_vuser_transaction to identify the transaction

Invoke lr_start_cross_vuser_transaction to indicate the start of a transaction that will be closed in one or more vusers other that the initiating vuser. lr_start_cross_vuser_transaction is invoked by the vuser that initiates an event that will be detected by another vusers, such as sending a message. The recipient vusers invoke lr_end_cross_vuser_transaction to indicate that the expected event occurred or failed.

If the transaction ID identifier parameter value is longer than 16 bytes, or contains a null character (0x00), the value is replaced with the equivalent MD5 hash value.

lr_start_cross_vuser_transaction is not recorded. You can add it to the script manually.

Return Values

This function returns zero on success, -1 on failure, TRANSACTION_MSGS_EMPTY_START_TRANSACTION_STRING if the transaction name is not specified, or TRANSACTION_MSGS_EMPTY_IDENTIFIER_DATA if transaction_id_param is empty.


All input arguments can be parameterized using standard parameterization. The *transaction_id_param argument is always passed using standard parameterization.