
Deprecated: Use lr.unmask.

Unmasks an encoded string during replay.


string lr.decrypt( String EncodedString );


Function lr.decrypt( ByVal EncodedString As String  ) as String
Example: lr.decryptString and Parameter Functions


EncodedStringThe encoded string you want to unmask.

The lr.decrypt function unmasks a masked string. One common way to use this function is to provide a password to a function without entering the literal password in the script. When you run the script, the test run component unmasks the password.

It is possible to create an lr.decrypt call from a value in a script. Select an entire string between quote marks, not including the quote marks themselves. Right-click in the selected string and select Mask String. The original string is replaced with an lr.decrypt call where the EncodedString argument is the original string after encoding.

To get an encoded value for later use, copy the value. Then go to Windows Start menu > Password Encoder. Paste the value into the Password field, and click Generate. The masked string appears in the Encoded String box. Click Copy and paste the masked string into a parameter for later use, or assign the value to a string variable.

Return Values

The decoded string. If decode fails, returns null.


All string input arguments can be passed using standard parameterization.