
Sends a message to the log.

ExampleMessage Functions


            lr.logMessage( message );	


messageThe message to send to the log.

The lr.logMessage function sends a message to the Vuser or agent log file (depending on the application), and not to the output window. You can use this function for debugging by sending error or other informational messages to the log file.

You can avoid overloading the network by using this function to send messages to the log file rather than sending messages to the Output window (with lr.errorMessage or lr.outputMessage). In a standalone program such as VuGen, lr.logMessage sends the message to the viewer and output.txt.

To send a message to the output file, you must enable logging in the runtime settings, and select Always send messages. If you select Send messages only when an error occurs, there is no output from this function. lr.setDebugMessage calls can also affect the output.

In the Vuser Execution log, this function does not list the location and line number from where the message was issued. To issue a message with those details, use lr.outputMessage.



lr.logMessage("a message") a message
lr.outputMessage("message"); action(4): message

Return Values

On success, returns the length of the message that was sent. On failure, returns a negative number.


You cannot use standard parameterization for any arguments in this function.

Concept Link IconSee Also


function Action(){
   var abort="aborting...";

   if (init() < 0) {
       lr.message ("login failed: abort");

   lr.logMessage( "We are on iteration #" + lr_eval_string( "{Iteration}" ) );
return 0;