Correlation Functions for JavaScript

Click one of the following functions for more information:

web.regSaveParam Deprecated: Use web.regSaveParamEx, web.regSaveParamRegexp or web.regSaveParamXpath. Saves non-NULL terminated dynamic data from an HTML page to a parameter.

Registers a request to save dynamic data in a server response that has been formatted as HTML. The data is saved to a parameter.

web.regSaveParamExRegisters a request to save dynamic data located between specified boundaries. The data is saved to a parameter.
web.regSaveParamJsonRegisters a request to save dynamic data in an buffer that has been formatted as Json. The data is saved to a parameter.
web.regSaveParamRegexpRegisters a request to save dynamic data that matches a regular expression. The data is saved to a parameter.
web.regSaveParamXpathRegisters a request to save dynamic data in an HTML buffer that has been formatted as XML. The data is saved to a parameter.
web.saveParamLengthSaves the length of a parameter.
web.saveTimestampParamSaves the current timestamp.
web.setMaxHtmlParamLenSets the maximum length of retrieved dynamic HTML information.

See also: