Optional Arguments

You can add optional arguments to end of the argument list. The arguments can be any information you want to preserve about the function or the state of the application when the function is called.

The recording process may add optional arguments. These are used during replay for error recovery. The script will normally replay without these arguments, but it is better not to delete them.

Note that the recording process adds different optional arguments for different objects. In the examples below, for instance, OriginalID is recorded for a table object, while is AdditionalNodeInfo recorded for a tree. Similarly, other objects may have different arguments.

Furthermore, the same arguments may not always be recorded for the same objects. In general, the recording process records whatever information necessary to support replay.

The list of optional arguments begins with BEGIN_OPTIONAL and ends with END_OPTIONAL. Each optional argument is a quoted string containing a name for the optional argument, the equal sign (=) and the value.

Where a function requires a variable length argument list that requires termination, the BEGIN_OPTIONAL of optional arguments serves as a terminator. Therefore, where optional arguments are used do not terminate an argument list with LAST.


sapgui_table_set_text( "('Depart.city', 2)",
    "2", "2", "ROME1",
        "OriginalID = txtIT_SPFLI-CITYFROM[2,2]",
        "AdditionalInfo = info1018",

        "AdditionalNodeInfo=Entry aids;My entry aids;migo#1#",