Conversation ID

A Conversation ID identifies a single Asynchronous ConversationClosed An Asynchronous Conversation is a series of related web tasks, including tasks caused by redirection. An Asynchronous Conversation starts with the request for the desired response, includes all the requests and responses that are caused by this request (authentication, redirection, and so on) and ends when the desired response is received or when the series of interactions is canceled. across different steps. A Conversation ID must be unique throughout the entire Vuser script.

Restrictions on Conversation IDs:

  • cannot be an empty string
  • cannot start with an underscore
  • cannot contain leading or trailing white spaces
  • cannot contain control characters, that is, characters from 0x00 to 0x1F.
  • cannot contain representations of control characters. For example, cannot contain \r, \t, \n, and so on.

Matching Conversation IDs

Conversation IDs in different steps that match indicate that the steps belong to the same Asynchronous ConversationClosed An Asynchronous Conversation is a series of related web tasks, including tasks caused by redirection. An Asynchronous Conversation starts with the request for the desired response, includes all the requests and responses that are caused by this request (authentication, redirection, and so on) and ends when the desired response is received or when the series of interactions is canceled..

Conversation IDs are not case-sensitive. Therefore matches, even though as URLs, they are not equivalent on all systems.

Conversation IDs are sensitive to the number of spaces. For example, one space (AA°A) does not match two spaces (AA°°A).

When using URLs as Conversation IDs, the strings are converted to lower-case, but no other processing is performed. For example, there is no interpretation of URL escape codes, no adding or removing of default port numbers, and so on. As a result, these expressions, while equivalent in URLs, do not match:

a%20aa(0x20)aa a