Example: web_reg_save_param_ex

This example shows the use of web_reg_save_param_ex to save all of the strings between LL and RR in the body of a response.

char arrayParamName[50]; 
int elemCnt;
int x;
    lr_save_string( "HTTP%2F1%2E1%20301%20Moved%20Permanently%0A%0D"
	    "inParam" );


        "Name=code", "Value={inParam}", ENDITEM, 
/*     Getting individual elements from a parameter array.
    Since the parameter created by web_reg_save_param_ex 
    is called "newParam", the number of elements
    is saved in parameter "newParam_count".
    The array elements are parameters "newParam_1",
    "newParam_2", ... "newParam_n". */
elemCnt = atoi(lr_eval_string("{newParam_count}"));
lr_output_message("Number of items found = %d",elemCnt);
for (x=1;x<=elemCnt;x++) {
    sprintf(arrayParamName, "{newParam_%d}", x);
    lr_output_message ("%s: %s",
        lr_eval_string(arrayParamName)); }     return 0; }
Action.c(41): Number of items found = 4
Action.c(45): {newParam_1}: c ..c
Action.c(45): {newParam_2}: ggsadfsdfsdf
Action.c(45): {newParam_3}: j --j
Action.c(45): {newParam_4}: nn