Example: web_get_int_property

The following example uses the web_get_int_property function to check if the script successfully accessed the my_home home page.

int HttpRetCode;
    LAST );
HttpRetCode = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE);

if (HttpRetCode == 200)
    lr_log_message("The script successfully accessed the My_home home page");
    lr_log_message("The script failed to access the My_home home page ");
Example: Sample Output:
The script successfully accessed the My_home home page

The following example uses the web_get_int_property function to return the size (in bytes) of a URL and a PDF download.

    int i;
    int j;
        "Url=images/inside/all_about_club.gif", ENDITEM, 
        "Url=images/inside/whats_new.gif", ENDITEM,
        "Url=images/inside/club_news.gif", ENDITEM, 
        "Url=images/inside/club_events_roll.gif", ENDITEM, 
        "Url=findclubs.swf", ENDITEM, 
        LAST );
/* Code the web_get_int_property function after the request 
   (such as web_url or web_link) which starts the download. */
        i = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE);
        lr_output_message("The download size of the URL was: %d",i);

        if(i > 10000)
           lr_end_transaction("DownloadUrL", LR_PASS);
           lr_end_transaction("DownloadUrL", LR_FAIL);
        web_link("PDF version", 
        "Text=PDF version", 
        LAST );

        j = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE);

        lr_output_message("The download size of the PDF file was: %d",j);
        if(j > 10000)
           lr_end_transaction("DownloadPDF", LR_PASS);
           lr_end_transaction("DownloadPDF", LR_FAIL);

    return 0;
Example: Sample Output:
Action.c(41): The download size of the URL was: 148480
Action.c(45): Notify: Transaction "DownloadUrL" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 13.2097).
Action.c(64): The download size of the PDF file was: 257381
Action.c(68): Notify: Transaction "DownloadPDF" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 17.9892).

The following example uses the web_get_int_property function to calculate the traffic in an action, and for a single step.

    int initial_byte_request_ct, before_submit_request_ct, after_submit_request_ct, submit_byte_request_ct, final_request_ct;
    int initial_byte_response_ct, before_submit_response_ct, after_submit_response_ct, submit_byte_response_ct, final_response_ct;
    initial_byte_request_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_REQUEST_STAT);
    initial_byte_response_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_RESPONSE_STAT);

        "Name=tripType", "Value=roundtrip", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=passCount", "Value=2", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=fromPort", "Value=San Francisco", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=fromMonth", "Value=12", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=fromDay", "Value=10", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=toPort", "Value=Acapulco", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=toMonth", "Value=12", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=toDay", "Value=14", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=servClass", "Value=Business", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=airline", "Value=Pangea Airlines", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=findFlights.x", "Value=63", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=findFlights.y", "Value=10", ENDITEM, 
        LAST );

    before_submit_request_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_REQUEST_STAT);
    before_submit_response_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_RESPONSE_STAT);
    lr_message("Before Submit:Request = %d, Response = %d", 
    /* Before Submit:Request = 1182, Response = 14177 */
        "Name=outFlight", "Value=Pangea Airlines$612$356$9:23$", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=inFlight", "Value=Pangea Airlines$162$364$16:43$", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=reserveFlights.x", "Value=61", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=reserveFlights.y", "Value=9", ENDITEM, 
        LAST );
    after_submit_request_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_REQUEST_STAT);
    submit_byte_request_ct = after_submit_request_ct - before_submit_request_ct ; 
    after_submit_response_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_RESPONSE_STAT);
    submit_byte_response_ct = after_submit_response_ct - before_submit_response_ct ; 

    lr_message("After Submit:Request = %d, Response = %d", 

    /* After Submit:Request = 2695, Response = 58681*/

    lr_message("Submit Net traffic:Request = %d, Response = %d", 
    /*Submit Net traffic:Request = 1513, Response = 44504 */
        LAST );

        "Name=passFirst0", "Value=Fitzwilliam", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=passLast0", "Value=Darcy", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=pass.1.meal", "Value=VGML", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=passFirst1", "Value=Elizabeth", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=passLast1", "Value=Darcy", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=pass.1.meal", "Value=LCML", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=creditCard", "Value=CB", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=creditnumber", "Value=123456789", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=cc_exp_dt_mn", "Value=01", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=cc_exp_dt_yr", "Value=2008", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=cc_frst_name", "Value=Catherine", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=cc_mid_name", "Value=", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=cc_last_name", "Value=DeBourgh", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=ticketLess", "Value=checkbox", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=billAddress1", "Value=Rosings Park", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=billAddress2", "Value=", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=billCity", "Value=Lambton", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=billState", "Value=Derbyshire", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=billZip", "Value=94089", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=billCountry", "Value=214", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=ticketLess", "Value=checkbox", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=delAddress1", "Value=1325 Borregas Ave.", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=delAddress2", "Value=", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=delCity", "Value=Sunnyvale", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=delState", "Value=CA", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=delZip", "Value=94089", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=delCountry", "Value=215", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=buyFlights.x", "Value=51", ENDITEM, 
        "Name=buyFlights.y", "Value=15", ENDITEM, 
        LAST );
        LAST );
        LAST );
    final_request_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_REQUEST_STAT);

    lr_message("REQUEST: Initial = %d, before submit = %d, after_submit = %d, submit size = %d, total = %d",
                initial_byte_request_ct, before_submit_request_ct, after_submit_request_ct, submit_byte_request_ct, final_request_ct); 

    /*REQUEST: Initial = 0, before submit = 1182, after_submit = 2695, submit size = 1513, total = 7911 */
    final_response_ct = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_TOTAL_RESPONSE_STAT);

    lr_message("RESPONSE: Initial = %d, before submit = %d, after_submit = %d, submit size = %d, total = %d",
                initial_byte_response_ct, before_submit_response_ct, after_submit_response_ct, submit_byte_response_ct, final_response_ct); 
    /* RESPONSE: Initial = 0, before submit = 14177, after_submit = 58681, submit size = 44504, total = 86444 */
    return 0;

Sample Output:

Before Submit:Request = 1846, Response = 5488




After Submit:Request = 3559, Response = 9273

Submit Net traffic:Request = 1713, Response = 3785




REQUEST: Initial = 0, before submit = 1846, after_submit = 3559, submit size = 1713, total = 8503

RESPONSE: Initial = 0, before submit = 5488, after_submit = 9273, submit size = 3785, total = 68086