Example: web_global_verification

Example 1

In the following example, web_global_verification function searches for the text string "Acme Company". If the string is not found, it fails and the script execution stops.

web_global_verification("Text/IC=Acme Company", 
    "ID=FindAcme", LAST ); 

web_url("Step", "URL=...", LAST );
The log error message with the "FindAcme" ID is:
Error -27127: "Text=Acme Company" not found for web_global_verification ("FindAcme")

Example 2

In the following example, web_global_verification function identifies the function name in the following string, "Error in function myfunc: File not found" where the function name varies. If it detects the error text, it fails: (Fail=Found).

web_global_verification("TextPfx=Error in function", 
	"TextSfx=File not found" 
        "Fail=Found", LAST );
web_url("Step", "URL=...", LAST );