Help Center Tips

You can access the Help Center on the web, or use the locally installed Help Center:

  • To switch between online and local modes, select Help > Help Center Options > Open Online or Open Locally.
  • If you are working on a full installation machine, the Help Center Options for all components are set according to the setting in VuGen.


  • To view the Help Center in Internet Explorer or within VuGen, you need to enable Javascript (Active scripting) in your browser settings (Tools > Options > Security > Internet > Custom Level).
  • If the online Help Center is unavailable at the start of a session, the Open Online option may be disabled during the whole session with that application.

To improve your search results, avoid including special characters such as % or # in your search string.

Here are some examples of the syntax you can use for searching:

Type To find
"find me"
(in quotes)
Topics that include the exact phrase, "find me".

find me


Topics that include both the words “find” and “me”, but not necessarily as a phrase.

find or me

find | me

Topics that contain either "find" or "me" (or both), in any order.
find ^ me Topics that include the word “find” but not the word “me”.
(find or me) and you Topics that include either "find" or "me" (or both) and also "you", in any order.