Known issues for TruClient 2.0

This section displays known issues and tips for working with TruClient 2.0 - Web protocol.


  • When working with TruClient 2.0 - Web, Google Chrome browser is recommended over Microsoft Edge.

  • Due to dependency on browsers, the TruClient footprint might be affected by internal changes to the browsers. In addition, long runs may consume more memory.

    To reduce the overall memory usage, we recommend enabling Simulate a new user for each iteration (Runtime Settings > Replay).

  • The Edge browser cannot be launched when working with the built-in SYSTEM account and running in service session on Windows load generators. We recommend not using the built-in SYSTEM account.

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Record and replay

  • Dynamically changing proxy settings during replay is not supported.

  • Recording and replaying actions on objects inside a “closed” mode web components element is not supported. (#shadow-root (closed) is shown in the web components element when viewing it in the browser DevTools.)

  • Recording and replaying mouse actions on objects within an iframe inside a web components element is not supported.

  • Wait for file download step is not supported in Load mode replay (replay on load generators or directly in VuGen).

  • The clicking of a browser’s go back button or go forward button is not supported for recording.

    Resolution: Manually add a Go back a page or Go forward a page step, by adding a Generic browser action step from the Steps box, and selecting the appropriate action.

  • When there are multiple certificates available for use to visit a web page, TruClient can pick up only the first certificate.

  • On a Linux load generator, if X Server (UI) is not installed, the client certificate attached to the script cannot be consumed by browsers.

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  • Network speed simulation is not supported on Linux.

  • Network speed simulation is not supported for browser-to-server direction on Windows.

  • IP spoofing and TC.getUserIP() are not supported on Linux.

  • Local IP and port information are not available in the generated HAR file.

  • If you run a TruClient script in Controller, incorrect time measurements (0 in most cases) are displayed in the Analysis reports for Connection Time, DNS Time, Network Time, Server Time, and SSL per Second.

  • If you run a TruClient script in Controller, the Connections graph is always empty.

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See also: