Working with TruClient

TruClient scripts are developed using the TruClient engine, which has its own distinctive user interface and script structure.

TruClient user interface

TruClient scripts are developed using the TruClient user interface, which presents the script steps graphically in a sidebar next to the application browser window. For details, see TruClient user interface.

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TruClient script structure

All TruClient scripts contain the following elements:


TruClient scripts are presented as a series of steps. Steps are structures that contain a user action to perform, object identification, the point where the next step can start, and other data.

There are several types of steps. Step type examples include:

  • One user action and the application response.
  • A function call.
  • A flow statement that may contain other steps. For example, a for loop.

For details, see TruClient step structure.


An action contains a series of steps you want to test as a sequential set. An action generally corresponds to a business process of your application, that is, a task users might perform. A business process can be very short and specific, like logging in, or larger, like a sequence that starts with a search and ends with a purchase.

For details, see Actions tab.

Run Logic

The flow of your script, meaning the order actions run in and the number of times they run.

For details, see Implement run logic.

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Browsers in TruClient

TruClient scripts are developed in one of the supported browsers. For details on supported browsers, differences between the browsers, and considerations when choosing a browser, see Browsers in TruClient.

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