Additional debugging information

General debugging tip

VuGen can be used as a regular text editor. You can open any text file and edit it. When an error message is displayed during replay in the output window, you can double-click it and the cursor jumps to the line of the test that caused the problem. You can also place the cursor on the error code and press F1 to view the help explanation for the error code.

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Using C functions for tracing

You can use the C interpreter trace option to debug your Vuser scripts. The ci_set_debug statement allows trace and debug to be turned on and off at specific points in the script.

ci_set_debug(ci_this_context, int debug, int trace);

For example, you could add the following statements to your script:

ci_set_debug(ci_this_context, 1, 1) /* turn ON trace =; debug */
ci_set_debug(ci_this_context, 0, 0) /* turn OFF trace =; debug */

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Additional C language keywords

When you run a C script, its parser uses the built-in C interpreter to parse the functions in the script. You can add keywords that are not part of the standard parser's library. By default, several common C++ keywords are added during installation, such as size_t and DWORD. You can edit the list and add additional keywords for your environment.

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Add additional keywords

  1. Open the vugen_extra_keywords.ini file, located in your machine's <Windows> or <Windows>/System directory.

  2. In the EXTRA_KEYWORDS_C section, add the required keywords for the C interpreter.

    The file has the following format:


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Examining replay output

Look at the replay output (either from within VuGen, or the file output.txt representing the output of the VuGen driver). You may also change the runtime settings options to select more extensive logging in order to obtain a more detailed log output of the replayed test.

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