Run a script from a Linux CLI
When using VuGen to develop Linux-based Vusers, you must check that the recorded script runs on the Linux platform. This task describes how to perform this check and run a Vuser script from a Linux command line.
To run a Vuser script on Linux:
Verify that the script replays in VuGen and is compatible for Linux
It is recommended to check the script in VuGen, before attempting to run it in Linux, because it is easier to edit and debug the script in VuGen.
- Replay the script in VuGen to verify that the script works in Windows. For details, see Replay scripts.
- Run the Linux compatibility tool to check the compatibility of your script to run on Linux-based load generators. For details, see Check Linux compatibility.
Copy the script files to the Linux server
Transfer the script files to the Linux server.
Check the Vuser setup on the Linux machine by using verify_generator.
If you intend to run all of the Vusers on one host, type:
The verify_generator either returns OK when the setting is correct, or Failed and a suggestion on how to correct the setup.
For detailed information about the verify checks type:
verify_generator [-v]
The verify utility checks the local host for its communication parameters and its compatibility with all types of Vusers. It checks the following items in the Vuser environment:
at least 128 file descriptors
proper .rhost permissions: -rw-r--r--
the host can be contacted using rsh to the host. If not, checks for the host name in .rhosts
M_LROOT is defined
.cshrc defines the correct M_LROOT
.cshrc exists in the home directory
the current user is the owner of the .cshrc
a VuGen installation exists in $M_LROOT
the executables have executable permissions
PATH contains $M_LROOT/bin, and /usr/bin
Run the script
Run the script in standalone mode from the Vuser script folder, using the run_db_vuser shell script: <commands> script_name.usr
The run_db_vuser shell script has the following command line options:
CommandDescription--help Display the available options. (This option must be preceded by two dashes.)-cpp_only Run cpp only (pre-processing) on the script.-cci_only Run cci only (pre-compiling) on the script to create a file with a .ci extension. You can run cci only after a successful cpp.-driver driver_path Use a specific external driver. Each database has its own driver located in the /bin folder.
-exec_only Execute the Vuser .ci file. This option is available only when a valid .ci file exists.-ci ci_file_name Execute a specific .ci file.-out output_path Place the results in a specific folder.By default, runs cpp, cci, and execute in verbose mode. It uses the driver in the VuGen installation\bin folder, and saves the results to an output file in the Vuser script folder. You must always specify a .usr file. If you are not in the script folder, specify the full path of the .usr file.
For example, the following command line executes a Vuser script called test1, and places the output file in a folder called results1. The results folder must be an existing folder—it is not created automatically: -driver mdrv -out /u/joe/results1 test1.usr
See also: