Tips for working with event listening and recording
It can sometimes be difficult to find the ideal listen and recording settings. When defining these settings, keep in mind the following guidelines:
To record an event on an object, you must instruct VuGen to listen for the event, and to record the event when it occurs. You can listen for an event on a child object, even if a parent object contains the handler or behavior, or you can listen for an event on a parent object, even if the child object contains the handler or behavior.
Setting Listen on the WebTable mouseover event to If Handler (so that VuGen "hears" the event when it occurs), while disabling recording on it. Then setting Listen on the Image mouseover event to Never, while setting its recording status to Enable (to record the mouseover event on the image after it is listened to at the WebTable level).
Setting Listen on the Image mouseover event to Always (to listen for the mouseover event even though the image tag does not contain a behavior or handler), and setting the recording status on the Image object to Enabled (to record the mouseover event on the image).
Instructing VuGen to listen for many events on many objects may lower performance, so try to limit listening settings to the required objects.
In rare situations, listening to the object on which the event occurs (the source object) may interfere with the event.
However, you must enable recording for the event on the source object (the one on which the event actually occurs, regardless of which parent object contains the handler or behavior).
For example, suppose a table cell with an onmouse over event handler contains two images. When a user touches either of the images with the mouse pointer, the event bubbles up to the cell and includes information on which image was actually touched. You can record this mouseover event by: