Debug database applications
The following tips apply to database applications only (such as ODBC):

Note: You can use VuGen's user interface to set options for viewing most of the information described in this section.
VuGen contains an inspector "engine." You can force the recorder to create "inspector" output by editing <install_dir>\config\vugen.ini as follows:
[LogMode] EnableAscii=ASCII_LOG_ON
When this option is enabled, VuGen creates a file, vuser.asc in the Data folder at the end of the recording. Note that this option should be used for debugging purposes only. This output file can become very large (several MB) and have serious effects on machine performance and disk space.
For cases like ODBC-based applications, it is possible to configure the ODBC Administrator (located in the Windows Control Panel) to provide a similar trace output. Open the ODBC options, and select `Trace ODBC calls' to ON. Similarly the ODBC Developer Kit provides a Spy utility for call tracing.
To enable further debug information, add the following section to the <install_dir>\config\vugen.ini:
The file (sqltrace.txt) includes useful internal information regarding the hooking calls made during recording. The trace_level is between 1 and 3, with 3 representing the most detailed debug level. You can set the trace level from the user interface.

You can view information about each stage of code generation, preprocessing and compilation to determine the source of any errors.

Look at the vuser.log file under the Data folder. This file, which contains a log of the code generation phase, is automatically created at the end of every lrd recording (i.e. all database protocols).
The following is an example of a log file:
lrd_init: OK lrd_option: OK lrd_option: OK lrd_option: OK Code generation successful lrd_option: OK lrd_end: OK
If any of the messages are not OK or successful, then a problem occurred during the code generation.

During runtime, information is displayed about both the preprocessing and compilation processes.