Known issues for SAP
This section describes troubleshooting and limitations for SAP GUI and SAP Web protocols.
General SAP GUI limitations
- VuGen does not support business processes that invoke Microsoft Office module controls, nor those that require the use of GuiXT. You can disable GuiXT from the SAP GUI for Windows client Options menu.
If a business process in SAP GUI includes selecting an item from a combo-list, the business process may not run properly in OpenText Professional Performance Engineering.
Workaround: Add the path of the SAP GUI installation folder to the Windows PATH environment variable.
When replaying a script on Windows 10 or Windows 2016, if a business process in SAP GUI (7.30, 7.40, 7.50) includes accessing a link, the business process may not run properly. This error is generated by SAP.
- Add the path of the SAP GUI installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui) to the Windows PATH environment variable, and restart the machine.
- Navigate to the above SAP GUI installation folder (...\SAPgui). Copy the guirfc.dll and paste into the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder.
- Close SAP GUI and check that the SAPLogon application is not running.
- Recording is not supported for the SAP GUI Security dialog box.
Recording is not supported for standard Windows dialog boxes (for example Save or Open) which are opened from the SAP GUI client.
If you encounter a warning during SAP GUI recording: "Sizing conflicts exist on the screen…" it may affect replay.
Workaround: Disable the warning in the SAP GUI application:
- Click the right-most button on the SAP GUI toolbar (or click Alt+F2) to open the Customize Local Layout screen.
- Select the SAP Internal sub-menu.
- Clear the Enable dialog box for screen size check box.
Recording issues
You may encounter the following known issues when recording SAP scripts.
Recording SAP GUI controls
Some SAP GUI controls are supported only in their menu or toolbar contexts. Try performing the problematic task using a different means, for example, through a menu option, context menu, or toolbar.
Recording SAP objects
Recording is not available for objects not supported by SAP GUI Scripting. See your recording log for information about those objects.
Use of the search bar is not recorded in SAP GUI script
When recording an SAP GUI script, if you use the SAP search bar when you are not logged into SAP, the use of the search bar is not recorded in the script.
Workaround: Log in to SAP before using the search bar.
Replay issues
You may encounter the following known issues when replaying SAP scripts.
Replay failure
When replaying SAP GUI and SAP Web Vuser scripts, the remote agent must be running in process mode, not service mode. To check the current mode, move your mouse over the agent's icon in the Windows task bar area, and read the description. If the description reads Load Testing Agent Service, it is running as a service.
Restart the agent in process mode. For details, see Agent processes in the Help Center.
Error popup messages
Certain SAP applications store the last layout for each user (such as which frames are visible or hidden). If the stored layout was changed since the script was recorded, this may cause replay problems. For example, in the ME52N transaction, the Document overview Off/On button will change the number of visible frames.
If this occurs:
Navigate the transaction to the same point as it was during recording, before starting replay. You can use the Snapshot viewer to see the layout in which it was recorded.
Add statements to the script that bring the transaction to the relevant layout during replay. For example, if an optional frame interferes with your replay, insert a verification function that checks if the frame is open. If it is open, click a button to close it. For verification examples, see Enhance SAP GUI scripts.
Failed logon or connection causes replay to stop
If a logon or connection in a script fails, the script replay is aborted. You can allow the script replay to continue despite a failed logon or connection by enabling the following setting in the runtime settings: SAPGUI > General > Advanced > Disable abort on logon/connection failure.
Replay fails due to SAP GUI client failure
If the SAP GUI client crashes during script replay, it can be relaunched automatically, to enable the continued replay of any remaining iterations in the script. For details, see Relaunch SAP client on crash.
Single sign-on mechanism when running a script on a remote machine
VuGen does not support the single sign-on connection mechanism. In your SAP GUI client, open the Advanced Options and clear the Enable Secure Network Communication feature. Note that you must re-record the script after you modify the Connection preferences.
Additional SAP resources
Refer to the SAP website, and to the SAP Notes on the website, including the following:
Note #480149: Profile parameter for user scripting on the front end.
Note #587202: Drag =; Drop is a known limitation of the SAP GUI interface.
See also:
- For general troubleshooting and limitations, see Known issues.