Use data retrieved from SQL queries
A normal use of database steps is fetching data from the database and using it at a later point in the script. Since the script retrieves the data during each test run, the data is up to date and relevant.
The following example illustrates a typical flow for a Web Service protocol script. A similar sequence can also be applied to other protocols.
API function
Connect to database
Execute an SQL query
Retrieve and save the data
lr_db_getvalue to <param_name>
Web Service call
web_service_call with {<param_name>}
Disconnect from database
You can iterate through the results in two ways:
Save them to a simple parameter during each iteration
Use VuGen built-in iterations to scroll through the data
For more information, see the Function Reference.
In the following web service example, the vuser_init section connects to the database and performs a database query.
vuser_init() { lr_db_connect("StepName=myStep", "ConnectionString=Initial Catalog=MyDB;Data;user id =sa ;password = 12345;" , "ConnectionName=MyConnection", "ConnectionType=SQL", LAST); lr_db_executeSQLStatement("StepName=MyStep", "ConnectionName=MyConnection", "SQLQuery=SELECT * FROM Addresses", "DatasetName=ds1", LAST); return 0; }
At the end of your test, disconnect from the database in the vuser_end section.
vuser_end() { lr_db_connect("StepName=myStep", "ConnectionString=Initial Catalog=MyDB;Data;user id =sa ;password = soarnd1314;" , "ConnectionName=MyConnection", "ConnectionType=SQL", LAST); return 0; }
In the Action section, you include the steps to repeat. Note the use of the Row argument. In the first call to the database, you specify the first row with Row=next. To retrieve another value in the same row, use current.
Action() { lr_db_getvalue("StepName=MyStep", "DatasetName=ds1", "Column=Name", "Row=next", "OutParam=nameParam", LAST); lr_db_getvalue("StepName=MyStep", "DatasetName=ds1", "Column=city", "Row=current", "OutParam=cityParam", LAST); /* Use the values that you retrieved from the database in your Web Service call */ web_service_call( "StepName=EchoAddr_101", "SOAPMethod=SanityService|SanityServiceSoap|EchoAddr", "ResponseParam=response", "Service=SanityService", "ExpectedResponse=SoapResult", "Snapshot=t1227168459.inf", BEGIN_ARGUMENTS, "xml:addr=" "<addr>" "<name>{nameParam}</name>" "<street></street>" "<city>{cityParam}</city>" "<state></state>" "<zip></zip>" "</addr>", END_ARGUMENTS, BEGIN_RESULT, END_RESULT, LAST); return 0; }