Check returned values through a database
In this scenario, a user executes a an action which returns a response. The goal of this scenario is to validate the response against expected values.
The expected values are stored in a database. The script fetches the expected results from a database and then compares them with the actual response.
The following table shows a typical flow of a Web Service protocol script. You can employ a similar flow for other protocols.
API function
Connect to database
lr_db_connect (in vuser_init section)
Web Service call
web_service_call with Result=<result_param>
Execute an SQL query
Retrieve the expected data
lr_db_getvalue to <param_name>
Validate the data
soa_xml_validate with an XPATH checkpoints.
Disconnect from database
lr_db_disconnect (in vuser_end section)
For more information, see the Function Reference.
The following example illustrates a typical validation of data returned by a Web Service call. The validation step compares the actual expected results:
Action() { web_service_call( "StepName=GetAddr_102", "SOAPMethod=AddrBook|AddrBookSoapPort|GetAddr", "ResponseParam=response", "Service=AddrBook", "ExpectedResponse=SoapResult", "Snapshot=t1227172583.inf", BEGIN_ARGUMENTS, "Name=abcde", END_ARGUMENTS, BEGIN_RESULT, END_RESULT, LAST); lr_db_executeSQLStatement("StepName=MyStep", "ConnectionName=MyConnection", "SQLQuery=SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE name = 'abcde' ", "DatasetName=ds1", LAST); lr_db_getvalue("StepName=MyStep", "DatasetName=ds1", "Column=Name", "Row=current", "OutParam=CustomerName", LAST); soa_xml_validate ("StepName=XmlValidation_1146894916", "Snapshot=t623713af7a594db2b5fef43da68ad59d.inf", "XML={GetAddrAllArgsParam}", "StopOnValidationError=0", BEGIN_CHECKPOINTS, CHECKPOINT,"XPATH=/*[local-name(.)='GetAddr'][1]/*[local-name(.)='Result'][1]/*[local-name(.)='name'][1]","Value_Equals={CustomerName}", END_CHECKPOINTS, LAST); return 0; }