Prepare scripts for replay
This task describes how to prepare the script for replay and run it. It describes how to use the output of one Web Service call as input for another.

First save the output result to a parameter, and then reference that parameter in a later Web Service call.
Save the output parameter.
In the Step Navigator, double-click the Web Service call whose output you want to use, to view its properties.
In the left pane, select the output argument whose value you want to save to a parameter.
In the right pane, select Save returned value in parameter. Specify a name in the Parameter box.
Use the saved parameter for input.
In the Step Navigator, double-click the Web Service call whose input parameters you want to set.
In the left pane, select the input argument for which to use the saved parameter.
In the right pane, select Value, and click on the abc icon. The Select or Create Parameter box opens.
Select the saved output parameter from the Parameter name list.
To specify an input parameter in Script view, select the value you want to replace and select Use Existing Parameters from the shortcut menu. Select one of the available parameters.

Open the runtime settings (F4) to configure JMS and VM settings. Click the JMS > Advanced node. For details, see the JMS > Advanced view in the runtime settings.

For Web Services that have an XSD schema with an Any type element, <xsd:element name="<
Any_element>" type="xsd:anyType" />
, check that the script conforms with the following model:
BEGIN_ARGUMENTS, "xml:Any_element=" "<Any_element>" "<string>the string to send</string>" "</Any_element>", END_ARGUMENTS,
The actual SOAP may differ slightly, but as long as your script conforms to the above model, it will run properly.
You can also send complex type elements for the <any> type. For example:
"xml:Any_element=" "<Any_element>" "<myComplexTypeName>" "<property1>123</property1>" "<property2>456</property2>" "</myComplexTypeName>" "</Any_element>",

Click Replay > Run. Observe the output log for relevant messages.

Display the Replay Summary to review results of the test run. For details, see Replay Summary pane.