The WsHttpBinding scenario

In this scenario, the client uses the server's certificate to encrypt a message; there is no client authentication.
You specify only one of the following settings:
Negotiate service credentials. Negotiate the Web Service's certificate with the server.
Specify service certificate. Browse for a service certificate. For more information, see Select Certificate dialog box. If you select this option, the Negotiate service credentials option is not available.
Provide the DNS information.
Expected server DNS. The expected identity of the server in terms of its DNS. This can be localhost, an IP address, or a server name. It can also be the common name by which the certificate was issued.

This WCF scenario uses Windows Authentication.
You declare the expected identity of the server in terms of its SPN or UPN identities. If you are testing a WCF service that has not been customized and uses the default configuration, use this type of scenario.

In this WCF WSHttpBinding scenario, the client uses the server's X.509 certificate to encrypt the message and its own certificate for a signature.
Specify only one of the following settings:
Negotiate service credentials. Negotiate the Web Service's certificate with the server.
Specify service certificate. Browse for a service certificate. For details, see Select Certificate dialog box. If you select this option, the Negotiate service credentials option is not available.
Provide the DNS information:
Expected server DNS. The expected identity of the server in terms of its DNS. This can be localhost, an IP address, or a server name. It can also be the common name by which the certificate was issued.

In this WCF WSHttpBinding scenario, the client uses the server's X.509 certificate to encrypt the message, and sends a user name and password to authenticate itself.
Specify the following settings:
Username. Password. The client's user name and password credentials.
Specify only one of the following settings:
Negotiate service credentials. Negotiate the Web Service's certificate with the server.
Specify service certificate. Browse for a service certificate. For details, see Select Certificate dialog box. If you select this option, the Negotiate service credentials option is not available.
Provide the DNS information:
Expected server DNS. The expected identity of the server in terms of its DNS. This can be localhost, an IP address, or a server name. It can also be the common name by which the certificate was issued.

This WCF WSHttpBinding scenario enables SSL and authenticates the client with a user name and password on the message level.
Specify the following settings:
Username. Password. The client's user name and password credentials.