Advanced Settings dialog box
This dialog box lets you configure advanced settings for security scenario in the areas of Encoding, Advanced Standards, Security, or HTTP and Proxy. You access these setting using the Security Scenario Editor dialog box.
Not all settings are relevant for all scenarios—some of them might be disabled or hidden depending on the scenario type.

The Encoding tab lets you indicate the type of encoding to use for the messages: Text, MTOM, or Binary. The default is Text encoding.
For each of these encoding methods, you can choose a version of WS-Addressing:
WSA 1.0
WSA 04/08
Tip: To instruct a SOAP request to leave out WS-Addressing, add a web_service_set_option function with the ExcludeWseHeaders flag set to true before the web_service_call function. For details, see the Function Reference.

This tab lets you configure advanced WS- standards, such as Reliable Messaging and the Via address option.
If your service implements the WS-ReliableMessaging specification, enable the Reliable Messaging option and set the following options:
Reliable messaging ordered. indicates whether the reliable session should be ordered
Reliable messaging version. WSReliableMessagingFebruary2005 or WSReliableMessaging11
Via Address
In certain instances, you may need to send a message to an intermediate service that submits it to the actual server. This may also apply when you send the message to a debugging proxy. This corresponds to the WCF clientVia behavior.
In such cases it may be useful to separate the physical address to which the message is actually sent, from the logical address for which the message is intended. The logical address may be the physical address of the final server or any name. It appears in the SOAP message as follows:
The logical address is retrieved from the user interface. By default, it is the address specified in the WSDL. You can override this address from the Manage Services dialog box.

The Advanced security settings correspond to the WS-Security specifications.
For security scenarios that are based upon WCF WSHttpBinding, you can indicate the following settings:
Enable secure session. Establish a security context using the WS-SecureConversation standard.
Negotiate service credentials. Allow WCF proprietary negotiations to negotiate the service's security.
For WSHttpBinding, Custom Binding, or WSFederationHttpBinding WCF type scenarios, you can set the default algorithm suite and protection level:
Attribute |
Meaning |
Possible Values |
Default Algorithm Suite
The algorithm to use for symmetric/
asymmetric encryption. These are the values from the SecurityAlgorithmSuite configuration in WCF:
Protection Level
Should the SOAP Body be encrypted/signed
None, Sign, and EncryptAndSign (default)
For Custom Binding or WSFederationHttpBinding WCF type scenarios, you can customize the security settings in greater detail. The following table describes the options and their values:
Attribute |
Meaning |
Possible Values |
Message Protection Order
The order for signing and encrypting
Message Security Version
The WS-Security security version
A list of the current versions
Security Header Layout
The layout for the message header
Key Entropy Mode
The entropy mode for the security key.
You can enable or disable the following options:
Require derived keys. Indicates whether or not to require derived keys.
Require security context cancellation. Disabling this option implies that stateful security tokens will be used in the WS-SecureConversation session (if enabled).
Include timestamp. Includes a timestamp in the header.
Allow serialized token on reply. Enables the reply to send a serialized token.
Require signature confirmation. Instructs the server to send a signature confirmation in the response.
For X.509 certificates, you can specify values for the following items:
Attribute |
Meaning |
Possible Values |
X509 Inclusion Mode
When to include the X509 certificate
X509 Reference Style
How to reference the certificate
X509 require derived keys
Should X509 certificates require derived keys
X509 key identifier clause type
The type of clause used to identify the X509 key.

This tab lets you set the HTTP and Proxy information for your test.
HTTP(S) Transport
The following table describes the HTTP(S) Transport options:
Option |
Meaning |
Possible Values |
Transfer mode
The transfer method for requests/responses
Buffered, Streamed, StreamedRequest, StreamedResponse
Max response size (KB)
The maximum size of the response before being concatenated
Default 65 KB
Allow cookies
Enable cookies
Keep-Alive Enabled
Enable keep-alive connections
Authentication scheme
HTTP authentication method
None, Digest, Negotiate, NTLM, IntegratedWindows
Authentication, Basic, Anonymous |
The realm of the authentication scheme
Require client certificate
For SSL transport, require a certificate

If the Web Service's transport uses a proxy server, you can specify its details in the Security tab. The following table describes the proxy options:
Option |
Meaning |
Possible Values |
Use default web proxy
Use machine's default proxy settings
Bypass proxy on local
Ignore proxy when the service is on the local machine
Proxy address
the proxy server
Proxy authentication scheme
HTTP authentication method on Proxy
None, Digest, Negotiate, NTLM, IntegratedWindows
Authentication, Basic, Anonymous |