Create and manage security scenarios

The following steps describes how to create and customize a security scenario for a specific service.

Note: For scripts using the WCF toolkit, all scenario settings are automatically defined. We recommend that you do not make changes to the default protocol and security scenario settings.

  1. Open the Security Scenario Data dialog box.

    1. Click Manage Services. In the left pane, select the service for which you want to set the security scenario. If necessary, import a service, as described in Import Service dialog box.

    2. Select the Protocol and Security tab and click the Edit Data button. The Security Scenario Data dialog box opens.

  2. Create or open a security scenario.

  3. Modify the security scenario, as described below. (Optional)

    To: Do this:
    Configure advanced settings

    For most scenarios, the default proxy, encoding, and other settings are ideal, but you can modify these settings if needed.

    1. Click Advanced to configure the settings. For details, see Advanced Settings dialog box.
    2. Click OK to save the security scenario.
    Modify an existing security scenario

    To create and modify security scenarios that will be available globally for all scripts, not just this specific service, use the Security Scenario Editor. You can also use the editor to save the scenario.

    1. Select SOA Tools > Security Scenario Editor.

    2. Click the Load button and browse for an existing stss scenario file.

    3. Modify the scenario settings as required

    4. Click Save or Save as.

    Protect SOAP headers

    Manually modify the behavior element in the scenario's configuration file:

    1. In VuGen, open the Script view. Choose choose View > Script View.

    2. Click in the script editor and select Open Script Directory from the shortcut menu.

    3. Locate the security scenario's configuration file <service_name>.stss in WSDL/@config folder.

    4. Modify the behavior section of the file. For details, see Protecting custom headers.

    Set the iteration mode

    Configure your environment to use the same session for all iterations:

    1. Open the script root folder: In Script view, click inside the script and choose Open Script Directory from the shortcut menu.

    2. Open default.cfg file in a text editor.

    3. In the [WebServices] section, add in a row under the toolkit. If you are using the Axis toolkit or if you configured other settings, the file contents may differ.

    4. [WebServices]
    5. Save and close the file.

    For details, see Emulating users with iterations.

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