Windows Sockets snapshots overview

Vuser scripts based on the Windows Sockets Vuser protocol utilize VuGen's Snapshot pane.

For Windows Sockets Vuser scripts, the Snapshot pane displays snapshots of the recorded data buffers. The following sections describe how to view and use the data.

Display buffer data

To display a specific buffer in the Snapshot pane:

  • In the Editor, select the step that contains a reference to the required buffer.

  • In the Step Navigator, double-click the step that contains a reference to the required buffer.

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Buffer views

You can view the buffer snapshots in either Text view or Hex view.

Note: VuGen stores the snapshot data as read-only data. You cannot modify the contents of the snapshots. However, you can modify the buffer data that is associated with any of the steps in a Vuser script. To modify the buffer data, right-click the required step in the Editor and then select Show Arguments. The Text View tab of the dialog box that opens lets you modify the buffer data. For details, see View and modify Windows Sockets buffers.

The Text view shows the buffer data as text.

The Hex view shows the buffer data in hexadecimal representation. The data is displayed in three columns:

  • The left column shows the offset of the first character in each row.

  • The middle column shows the hexadecimal value of the data.

  • The right column shows the data in ASCII format.

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Status bar

The status bar below the buffer snapshot displays information about the buffer and the data selected in the buffer:

  • Buffer number. The buffer number of the displayed buffer.
  • Buffer size. The total number of bytes in the buffer.
  • Buffer type. The type of buffer—received or sent.
  • Data. The value of the data that is selected in the buffer, in decimal and hexadecimal formats. Both big endian and little endian sequences are displayed.
  • Offset. The offset of the selected data from the beginning of the buffer. If you select multiple bytes, the offset displays the range of the selection.

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Navigate within the buffer data

  • To go to a specific offset within the buffer (absolute), click Go To. In the Go To Offset dialog box enter an offset value, and then click Apply.
  • To jump to a location relative to the selected entry, click Go To. In the Go To Offset dialog box, click Advance by, specify the number of bytes to advance, and then click Apply.

For details, see Go To Offset dialog box.

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Create correlations from the buffer data

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