Java custom correlation
You can manipulate script objects like any Java object. One use of this is to write custom correlation code.
Automatic correlation is not supported in Java over HTTP, but you can use custom correlation as described in this example.
Given this business logic class:
public class RmiMessage implements Serializable {
List<Integer> integers;
public RmiMessage(List<Integer> myIntegers) {
this.integers = myIntegers;
public void setIntegers(List<Integer> myIntegers) {
this.integers = myIntegers;
And given the following code in
String _string9 = " __CURRENT_OBJECT = {"
+ "java.util.List myIntegers = {"
+ "super = {"
+ "super = {"
+ "}"
+ "int modCount = #0#"
+ "}"
+ "java.lang.Object a[] = {"
+ "java.lang.Integer a[0] = {"
+ "super = {"
+ "}"
+ "int value = #4#"
+ "}"
+ "java.lang.Integer a[1] = {"
+ "super = {"
+ "}"
+ "int value = #21#"
+ "}"
+ "}"
+ "}"
+ "}";
RmiMessage _message = (, 2);
After the call to lr.deserialize, you have the business logic object, which can then be manipulated.
In this example, correlation is done by setting the integers list:
RmiMessage _message = ( lr.deserialize(_string9, 2);
_message.setIntegers(Arrays.asList(4,5,7)); // call business logic methods here to adjust object to your needs