Manually configure script generation settings
You can customize the way the navigator adds methods to your script.
jquery.ini file structure
To view the configuration setting, open the jquery.ini file in VuGen's dat folder.
[Display] FullClassName=False [Insert] AutoTransaction=False DefaultValues=True CleanClassPaste=False
Class Name path
The FullClassName option displays the complete package and class name in the Java Function navigator. This option does not affect the way the functions are added into the script—it only affects the way the classes are displayed in the navigator. By default, this option is set to false. If your packages have many classes and you are unable to view the package and class names at the same time, you should enable this option.
Automatic transactions
The AutoTransaction setting creates a Vuser transaction for all methods. When you enable this option, VuGen automatically encloses all Java methods with lr.start_transaction and lr.end_transaction functions. This allows you to individually track the performance of each method. This option is disabled by default.
(String) = lr.get_host_name():
lr.end_transaction("get_host_name", lr.AUTO);
(boolean) = isSystemClass ((String) "");
lr.end_transaction("isSystemClass", lr.AUTO);
Default parameter values
The DefaultValues setting includes default values for all methods you paste into your script. This option is enabled by default and inserts a null for all objects. If you disable this option, you must manually insert parameter values for all functions in the script. The following table illustrates the DefaultValues flag enabled and disabled.
DefaultValues enabled
DefaultValues disabled
lr.save_data((byte[])null, (String)"");
lr.save_data((byte[]), (String));
Class pasting
The CleanClassPaste setting pastes a class so that it will compile cleanly: with an instance returning from the constructor, with default values as parameters, and without a need for import statements.
Using this option, you can likely run your script without any further modifications. If you disable this option (default), you may need to manually define parameters and include import statements.
Note: This setting is only effective when you paste an entire class into your script—not when you paste a single method.
The following segment shows the toString method pasted into the script with the CleanClassPaste option enabled.
// Returns: java.lang.String
The same method with the CleanClassPaste option disabled is pasted as follows:
(String) = toString();
The next segment shows the NumInserter Constructor method pasted into the script with the CleanClassPaste option enabled.
utils.NumInserter _numinserter = new utils.NumInserter
((java.lang.String)"", (java.lang.String)"", (java.lang.String)""...); // Returns: void
The same method with the CleanClassPaste option disabled is pasted as:
new utils.NumInserter((String)"", (String)"", (String)"",...);